The easiest gold to enjoy in Las Vegas, Nevada is in the sky.
It's said that every cloud has a silver lining, i.e. there's an upside to everything if we just look for it. I agree. In this life it is critical to be aware of what we spend our mental energy focusing on, as we tend to see what we look for whether that be tragedy or miracle.
On my way back to Colorado from California recently, I was grumbling to myself at the sprawling suburban waste that was once lovely American desert. Las Vegas is many things, but a peaceful sanctuary it is decidedly not ... except for when we look for a peaceful sanctuary there. In the parking lot of a shopping center I noticed some unusual light in the western sky. A wildfire over the mountains was pouring dark smoke into the sky, causing a haze to catch the shadows produced by the setting sun on billowy cumulus clouds. Wow. The capital of conspicuous overconsumption was still in the Nevada desert, and the Nevada desert is still a beautiful place, full of magic when we just keep our senses open.
I hope the folks preparing for a night out on the town got a bit of extra luck from that rare golden lining...
Are there any golden linings in your life right now? I'd like to hear about them.