Rainbow Leaf StudyRainbow Leaf StudyThe infinite complexity and simple beauty of an autumn leaf from beneath.

In the beginning, there was darkness...

July 14, 2013  •  1 Comment

Perhaps on first view, you may not know that you're witnessing the fulfillment of a personal dream, but the very fact that you've come to Lehman Images and spent some time enjoying the works featured here - that's something to celebrate! I've been working in conservation and making photographs for years and like many people, the images sat on a hard drive or on backup disks never seeing the light of day except for the occasional screensaver appearance. They were the products of arduous hikes, frigid early mornings, meticulous planning (and spontaneous serendipity!), but very few people ever had the chance to really enjoy them. Those dark ages are over, and with this site I embark on a lifelong journey sharing art, passion, and inspiration.

I want to continue to connect with and learn from those with more experience, better equipment, and more successful photo businesses. I want my art to transport me to every continent, to each far-flung corner of the planet, and to the little unnoticed nooks and crannies that make up the balance of our beautiful world.

I've been fortunate in my life to spend a significant amount of time traveling and working for conservation and education related to the natural world and its precious wild resources. On those travels I have received innumerable gifts from the Earth, and I intend to give back with my camera...

Ultimately, I want the images I create to leave viewers breathless.

And when their breath returns I hope they say,"That ... THAT is valuable. This world is valuable - what can I do to preserve and protect it?"

Thank you for visiting. I hope you find something here that takes your breath away, and a reason to return again and again. Comments, suggestions, questions? - bring them on! Share with your friends and family. Do you know someone who's a WAY better image-maker? I want to learn from them, so please shoot me a link. In the meantime, I'll be adding to this site in a major way. New galleries, new blog posts, new links. It's going to be a wonderful ride, and the best adventures are shared, so join me by signing up for updates or bookmark the page and check back often.

Lehman Images Sun Ring around HandSun Ring

The darkness has ended. Let there be light.



Mary Pat Landry(non-registered)
I love your story and your caption on this one.
No comments posted.

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